Reset, Refocus, Recharge: Building a Business That Aligns With Your Values
Every industry is saturated right now – whether it’s a CPG brand, agency, or consumer service. With rampant layoffs, a lack of hybrid flexibility, and a general feeling of being underappreciated or underutilized when working for someone else, many are branching off to innovate and create under their own ventures.
This has made breaking through to your target demographic and owning a piece of that market share more difficult today than 15 years ago.
New tools and tactics have been introduced to help us propel forward; AI simplifies complex tasks like SEO, owned media diversification allows us to repurpose content effectively, and networking has evolved to focus more on wellness activities vs expensive cocktails.
However, plateaus, setbacks, and challenges happen – even to those who you admire and businesses you want to emulate.
Fret not, getting back to basics can help shift your perspective, inspire fresh strategies, and remind you why you started in the first place.
Old fashioned list making holds power.
There’s a tool or technology to do almost anything nowadays. Information is being consumed faster than ever. Clients are demanding to see results yesterday along with unrealistic KPIs.
And you are STRESSED.
Whether you own an agency, CPG product, or consumer service, the speed of innovation always makes us feel like we need to do and offer more.
Except “more” isn’t always better, nor is it necessary to excel in every area.
Time to get out a notebook and pencil and turn off all your technology.
Niching down can help you build or rebuild your clientele so you can focus on what you excel at and recommend trusted sources for things you don’t.
Focus on your favorite, most impactful offering, then start to eliminate what no longer serves you. When you feel ready or gain more skills, you can always add them back.
But for now, use those lists as a way to target clients that you know will benefit from your services or product.
This activity can also bring you back to day one – remember why you’re doing what you do, and where it started.
Industries are always evolving – no one knows everything.
We sometimes laugh when people post social media jobs requesting 15 years of experience. The reality is that social media barely existed as a fundamental marketing tool back then compared to how it’s used today. Not to mention the introduction of new platforms.
Even seasoned professionals can’t know everything about every tool, topic, and platform.
My approach to things is often more 360 degrees, vs. putting all my eggs in one basket, and looking at what could work if we didn’t have these tools and how we can use them as an asset while they exist.
The way you interpret or use something may be appealing to your desired customer! If not, then they aren’t for you.
You know what you’re talking about – own it and share it with the world.
Authenticity unlocks happiness and satisfaction.
PR professionals often share the same contacts, similar pitch ideas, have strong writing skills, event ideas for days, and more. Firm to firm, you’ll see a significant number of similarities. Two key differences that will come up are the fee and, most importantly, in my opinion, authenticity and personality.
Being your authentic self can attract what’s meant for you and weed out those you won’t gel with.
For example, I have a strong personality, am efficient, and like to GSD. I’m also funny, enjoy brainstorming and collaborating, and am always working to convince clients to let me experiment with new strategies and tactics.
By working with clients who appreciate straightforward feedback, want someone who works quickly yet effectively, and genuinely cares about their brand or persona, I can show up as my authentic self, dive right in, and garner the results or feedback the client is looking for.
However, when you diminish your authenticity or lessen your personality to secure a client, you may feel less satisfied working on the account, not as inspired or innovative, or find tasks taking twice as long.
As cliché as it is, your vibe attracts your tribe. By staying true to yourself, you’ll build a client base that aligns with your values and find greater fulfillment in your work.