Elesha Gabriell Aflalo, Affiliate Network Owner @GoReferralAgent.com



Skype: Elesha.Gabriell

Let’s give a warm welcome and congrats to the incredible Elesha! Elesha, you've had a diverse career, from working in marketing to managing and owning a successful affiliate network. How did your background in marketing prepare you for your current role, and what inspired the shift to the affiliate network industry?

My Marketing background started at 7 years old when I began sealing envelops for my dads local customer database. When I realized that these pieces of paper would come back to my dad and help support our family of 6; I was hooked right there. I have been working for affiliates for a long time. My shift to affiliate marketing was smooth because I started working for an emailer in 2006 doing sales. My Client list was awesome. Hersheys, Monster.com, A race car museum. 90 % of them were phone calls from leads that were submitted months prior. Then, I went to work at a call center knowing that it was not going to be easy. I sat down and was the number 1 agent the very 1st day on the phone. I took my lunch breaks alone and replayed a CD of the call center trainer reviewing sales techniques. I came back to email marketing company and opened a social media agency in 2007 before I finally found myself working for an even larger performance marketing company in 2012 doing operations and sales.

My network and consulting company Go Referral Agent has seen it all. From being able to travel at the drop of a hat to losing it all because of clients that did not operate in the most perfect way to rebuilding everything from scratch and having a clear picture of why I was able to rejoin the performance marketing space knowing that I have earned my position through good behavior and generously introducing people to work together.

What type of offers does your Affiliate Network, Managing Members, have and what types of clients and companies should reach out to you?

My affiliate network focuses on the health insurance vertical. I also manage consulting contracts and my team operates the network while I dive into advertiser or network strategies as a consultant. In some cases, I refer publishers and advertisers and in other contracts I jump into the day to day team operations.  After attending over 10 years of trade shows, I am connected with colleagues all over the world.


In your post "Money Doesn't Motivate," you touched on a different perspective on motivation. Can you elaborate on this idea and how it's influenced your approach to business and leadership?

One of my buyers and partners since 2014 wrote a book called “Money Doesn’t Motivate.” He is right. Money is not a motivating factor when accomplishing a goal. It’s the freedom that most people are chasing. Not feeling “stuck”. I have taken many self improvement courses and it’s funny… a few people in the affiliate space have taken an intensive in-person course called “Self Discovery Life Mastery” which has helped me with all of the relationships in my life. Driving accountability back to the one place where everything originates from… me.  What motivates me is the freedom that the performance marketing space has provided for me. 

You've been involved in public speaking, such as being a speaker at the 2015 Performance Marketing Summit. What topics are you most passionate about when sharing your insights with an audience, and what key takeaways do you aim to provide?

I am passionate about creating win-win solutions. 

Yes. I consider myself a pioneer in the pay per call space.  I have been asking emailers to add phone numbers to their email creative for years prior to most networks and publishers adding pay per call to their operations. I have managed 4,000 - 10,000 calls per day plus leads with a small and mighty team of ten in my busiest of times.

Your LinkedIn profile highlights a strong emphasis on ethical marketing practices. Can you share some specific examples of how you've promoted ethical marketing within your career or industry?

You may not know this, but as a publisher, you can be held responsible for an advertisers actions. Its not only important to fully vet publishers. You must fully vet your advertisers as well to limit your liability. I tell other publishers and advertisers about my experience with how we can be held liable for marketing practices.

 I paid an attorney to sum up legal practices in our space for me and create contracts. After $15,000 of fees and 4 hours of grueling contract review, he finally said “ It all comes down to three words Elesha, “Really, prove it.”

How I have promoted ethical practices: I have updated non compliant creative while consulting. I have chosen to only work with advertisers and publishers  that I have fully vetted. Not every team knows the true value of this and I would not want them to experience the challenges that I have in my career. 

Having worked with various teams and clients, what's your approach to building strong and effective working relationships, and how do you adapt your strategies to different business environments?

I have rules for myself that I do my best to follow to the letter.

  1. If I say I am going to do something, I do it. Relationships are built on trust.

  2. If I make a mistake, I own it and move forward.

  3. Listening is what made me successful in this space, not speaking. People only wanted to listen to me in 2015 because I lived my words and they could hear and feel that. I don’t speak concepts, I spoke from experience. Listening to others gave me the opportunity to be heard.

Building effective and strong work relationships starts with great testimonials from my existing clients. Some of my favorite things that my advertisers have said about me is that “I make them feel like they are my only client.”  There is no time to complain or make excuses in work relationships. What separates me from most of my colleagues is the ability to follow through. If I say I am going to do something, I do it.

You've been endorsed by many professionals for skills like Email Marketing and Lead Generation. Can you share a memorable project or achievement where these skills played a crucial role in your success?

Email Marketing and Lead generation have one thing in common. Data. Data is what has played a crucial role in my success. Being able to look at Data points and establish similarities and make assumptions has helped me create winning campaigns. Most recently, I created a successful appointment setting campaign that has been running for over 2 years and has grossed over 1.5 Million dollars.

The affiliate marketing industry is highly dynamic. How do you stay updated on the latest trends and changes, and what advice would you offer to professionals looking to thrive in this ever-evolving landscape?

Pay attention to current events and the language that is being used to advertise them. This timely language will give you the competitive edge in advertising. I received flowers to my office when I worked for a Health insurance advertiser because I helped an affiliate make $10 k in one day. I use to go to the company attorneys office and read through a clipboard of current news events about health insurance that he kept on his wall. This gave me a brilliant idea that I would provide strategy to my partners and publishers. The words in the news were “ Get Covered”  that not only solidified my belief in keeping up with the AP wire,  it helped to create powerful business relationships that I still have today.

In your experience as a licensed Real Estate Agent in Florida, what valuable lessons did you learn that have shaped your business consulting approach, especially in the field of affiliate marketing?

I ran from real estate because of unlawful behavior that I experienced while working with other realtors. To be fair, people in every industry are not 100 % perfect. I knew that I wanted to be in business with people who really cared about their clients’ success. I have met many people in the performance marketing space that share this same belief. When I start to work with a group or publisher, I listen to hear the key words that tell me they believe this is their highest and best use of their time.

You've received several accolades and recommendations from colleagues. Could you share a specific accomplishment that you're most proud of and how it has impacted your career journey?

I am most proud of many moments in my career. An advertiser and partner brought his daughter into a meeting with him once. She was on his lap. He pointed at me and said, “ You see her over there, that is a business woman. And that is who you want to be.” That was a a proud moment that made me realize that I am a respected and valued partner.

The other moment that screams in my memory is me working on campaigns in my hotel room and I put my laptop on the desk then lay in bed with the pizza at point blank range when I had an epiphany. That no matter what, everything is ok. This defining moment has calmed me in my most stressful moments. I work online and not in a hospital.

In your publications, such as "Affiliate Marketing Career Progression," what valuable insights can you offer to those looking to advance their careers in affiliate marketing, based on your own progression in the field?

Your results are your best teacher. Audit yourself and review your own actions instead of others. Success is not flashy cars. Success for me is knowing I helped my team achieve their goals, while they helped me achieve my goals. Numbers do not run a team, real people are a team that run the numbers.

What do you do for fun and what are you looking forward to?

I do a lot of things for fun. Travel , play tennis, golf, poker, Rummikub, bowling.  Most of all, I  enjoy spending time with my fiance & my dog “Dude.”

In addition to your professional achievements, you've been involved in volunteer work at Imperial Point Hospital. How has giving back to the community influenced your perspective on business and leadership?

Part of leadership is making sure people know that they are appreciated. Volunteering actually helped me feel appreciated. I found out that the people in the waiting room are suffering just as much if not more than the person on the hospital bed. Everyone has their story, respect it and appreciate that you have people in your waiting room.

What are your future aspirations and goals in the world of affiliate marketing, and how do you plan to continue making a positive impact in the industry?

My plans are to continue to enjoy consulting for Advertisers & Publishers. While I continue to be a publisher and network owner that values and encourages each of my team members.

We hope to see you at the upcoming Affiliate Ball in Vegas January 16th 2024, the biggest and best event in performance and affiliate marketing! And,  legendary recording artist Fat Joe is locked in to perform! What are some of the things you have enjoyed about the ball over the years and what do you recommend people do to make the most of it for networking and fun? 

FAT JOE ! Ill see you there!

 I mostly enjoy Darren’s enthusiasm and love for the life of the party. As a bonus, I get to spend time with long time and new industry contacts that a appreciate and respect.


Gayla Huber, President @ IntegriShield


Tina Dixon - Founder of Queens of Digital Marketing & COO Ringlab Media