Sarah Bundy: Founder & CEO @All Inclusive Marketing Inc. & For Female Founders

Photo Credits: The Prevail Project 

Sarah Bundy, Founder & CEO

All Inclusive Marketing Inc. and For Female Founders (Agency Sarah founded) (Sarah’s personal blog)

For Female Founders (Linkedin Group Sarah founded for women in business)

For Female Founders Video Podcast (on Youtube)

Let’s give a warm welcome to Sarah Bundy, the Founder and CEO of All Inclusive Marketing (AIM)! With 20 years of experience in performance marketing, entrepreneurship and strategic growth, Sarah is an expert in affiliate and partnership marketing strategy and execution, e-commerce and retail marketing, travel and hospitality marketing, and innovative digital growth strategies. She leads a team of experts who “DIGG” every day: Delight, Innovate, Grow and Giveback.

Sarah, how impressive that you’ve been in the industry for 2 decades and AIM has been going strong since you created it 14 years ago! Can you tell us a bit about your career journey as an affiliate marketer,  what distinguishes All-Inclusive Marketing (AIM) from other affiliate marketing agencies, and who should reach out to you?

The industry has evolved so much in the past two decades and I’m grateful that I’ve been in it for all 20 years. It’s a dynamic, ever-changing industry, with some of the most innovative, thoughtful marketers, programmers, designers, creators and data scientists I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. The startup story is long, so I won’t go into the whole shebang, however, I will say that when I started back in 2004, like others at the time, we had to learn and figure it out as we went. I bought every book I could on the subject (at the time that was James Martell’s book, Geno Prusakov’s book and Rosalind Gardener’s book) and I asked a million questions of everyone and anyone I could meet. I really felt the need to understand all things affiliate and partnership marketing, and I wanted to know everyone!

Fast forward 20 years later, I’ve been fortunate enough to have built one of the most respected affiliate management companies in the world, been recognized in the Top 40 Under 40, Top 100 Female Entrepreneurs in Canada, lead my team to win Company of the Year out of 400,000 small businesses in British Columbia and have an incredible, thriving team who believe in the same core values of putting our clients first, of treating each other as family and with respect, in supporting the diverse ideas and expertise of our team and partners, and in innovating and pursuing excellence every day. 

What distinguishes AIM today is not just our team, our culture, our commitment to excellence and our awesome client list, but our advocacy for this industry and those in it, and our pursuit of providing constant and consistent value for those who choose to work with us. 

We have a specialization and a focus in three different categories today: 

  1. B2C Retail / Ecommerce - From home & garden to fashion, beauty, apparel, outdoor recreation, sport, family products, pet products, etc.

  2. Travel, Leisure & Hospitality - before Covid hit, this category was approximately 50% of our clientele and an area of growth for us again today

  3. B2B Lead Gen, with a specialization in Software as a Service (SasS) - We have serviced amazing clients like Netsuite (Oracle), BigCommerce, Asana, Unbounce and more

What distinct types of marketing services does AIM specialize in offering to its clients? 

We have three key areas of focus: 

  1. Full Service Affiliate Program Management - for clients and brands as listed above looking to scale and grow their affiliate program with the experts. This helps them design, launch and scale their affiliate and partnership program correctly from the get-go, avoiding costly mistakes, delays in the process, mitigating risks and driving faster results than trying to find their way on their own with limited resources and expertise. . 

  2. Consultation and Strategy - for clients who need support with getting their programs off the ground or scaling more quickly and have an in-house team to help execute on the plan

  3. A-La-Carte services - where clients come to us with help with a program evaluation or audit, support with recruiting affiliates, optimization and scaling their long tail partnerships, supporting compliance management, digging into their data to find new growth opportunities, and more. 

Having led AIM through substantial growth, could you elaborate on one or two key strategies that have significantly contributed to the agency's success in delivering innovative solutions for both e-commerce startups and established billion-dollar brands?

Sure! There are three strategies that we have consistently implemented, driving success not only for our clients but also for the growth of AIM over the years:

1. Strategic Partnering and Relationship Building: Building strong partnerships and relationships within the affiliate marketing ecosystem is crucial. This involves cultivating relationships with high-performing affiliates, influencers, and other key players in the industry. By strategically aligning with partners who have a strong audience and expertise in specific niches, companies can effectively reach and engage target customers for their clients' products and services.

2. Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilizing data and analytics to drive performance and optimize campaigns is essential for ongoing program growth. This includes employing advanced tracking and attribution technologies to gain insights into consumer behavior, identify trends, and measure the effectiveness of various marketing initiatives. By continuously analyzing data and adjusting strategies and partnerships based on findings, we can refine our clients' growth strategies to ensure we are generating maximum results.

3. Taking an Integrated Approach: Integrating affiliate marketing efforts with other marketing channels and teams is paramount. Many companies tend to treat affiliates as isolated entities. By partnering and collaborating with teams responsible for SEO, PPC, social media, and other marketing initiatives, for example, we can share insights, wins, learnings, and opportunities. This collaboration allows for a holistic view of the marketing landscape, enabling our team and clients to align affiliate strategies with broader marketing goals and initiatives.

Your accolades, such as being named in the Top 40 Under 40 and among the Top 100 Female Entrepreneurs in Canada, reflect remarkable achievements. And, your sought-after status as a keynote speaker and author showcases your thought leadership. Could you share one key message or insight you often convey in your speeches or writings that you believe holds significant importance for marketers and entrepreneurs?

Thank you for your kind words. Being recognized among the Top 40 Under 40 and the Top 100 Female Entrepreneurs in Canada has been incredibly rewarding. As for my experiences as a keynote speaker and author, they have allowed me to share insights and perspectives that I believe are important for marketers and entrepreneurs to understand. In my journey as an entrepreneur and marketer, one crucial lesson stands out above all: the power of adaptability. It's not just a skill; it's a mindset, a way of navigating modern business.  Adaptability means thriving in the face of uncertainty, transforming challenges into opportunities, and creating new paths forward where others see roadblocks.

I believe that every obstacle is an invitation to innovate, every setback a chance to pivot towards even greater success. By honing our ability to adapt, we not only stay ahead of the curve; we redefine it. 

So, to all aspiring entrepreneurs and marketers out there, I urge you to embrace adaptability as your greatest asset. See change not as a threat, but as your greatest ally. Because in a world where disruption is the new norm, adaptability isn't just a skill; it's the key to unlocking opportunities and charting a course towards a bright and successful future. 

The marketing landscape constantly evolves. How do you and your team at All Inclusive Marketing adapt to emerging trends and changes in consumer behavior to stay at the forefront of the industry?

In our journey to maintain our position as leaders in the affiliate marketing industry, staying ahead of the curve is not just a goal; it's a necessity. Here are a few strategies we use to make sure we're constantly adapting to change:

  1. We Stay Informed: We prioritize staying informed about industry trends, emerging technologies, and market shifts. We regularly attend industry conferences, participate in webinars, and engage with relevant publications to keep us updated and ahead of the game.

  2. We Encourage Creativity and Innovation: Innovation is a key pillar in our DIGG (Delight, Innovate, Grow, Giveback) philosophy. We foster a culture that encourages creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. Whether it's through brainstorming sessions or idea-sharing platforms, let's empower every team member to contribute their innovative ideas.

  3. We Embrace Feedback: Feedback is invaluable for our growth and adaptation. We actively seek feedback from clients, customers, and fellow team members to identify areas for improvement and innovation. By creating an environment where feedback is welcomed and acted upon constructively, we can continuously evolve and improve our products, services and systems.

  4. We Invest in Training and Development: Our team's skills and knowledge are our greatest assets. We invest in regular training and professional development opportunities to ensure that we're equipped with the latest skills and industry best practices. We empower our team with the tools they need to succeed, so we can stay agile and adaptable in the face of constant change.

For individuals aspiring to excel in the field of performance marketing, what crucial advice or lessons learned from your experience would you impart to help them navigate and succeed in this dynamic industry?

For aspiring performance marketers, I'd offer a few key pieces of advice gleaned from my own journey in this industry.

Firstly, embrace continuous learning. The world of performance marketing is constantly evolving, with new technologies, strategies, partners and trends emerging regularly. Stay curious and committed to expanding your knowledge base through courses, workshops, connections and staying abreast of industry publications.

Secondly, build strong relationships. Success in performance marketing often hinges on collaboration and partnerships. Cultivate relationships with fellow marketers, industry experts, teammates and potential clients. Networking isn't just about exchanging business cards - it's about forging meaningful connections that can lead to mutually beneficial opportunities.

Thirdly, focus on providing value. In an industry driven by results, it's easy to get caught up in metrics and conversions. However, truly successful performance marketers understand the importance of delivering genuine value to their audience. Prioritize understanding your audience's needs and pain points, and tailor your strategies accordingly to offer solutions that resonate.

Lastly, be adaptable. The landscape of performance marketing is constantly shifting, with new platforms, algorithms, partnerships and regulations shaping the way we operate. Those who can adapt quickly and effectively to these changes will thrive in this industry. Stay agile, experiment with new approaches, and don't be afraid to pivot when necessary.

If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and how would you use it to benefit your work at All Inclusive Marketing?

I would be able to communicate clearly with every person, in every language, to showcase the value and benefit of affiliate marketing to brands around the world. Not only would this help AIM grow, but it would elevate an entire industry even further, getting more investments and buy-in from key decision makers than ever before.  

I see you’ve also started a new community, group and podcast series on Linkedin and YouTube called For Female Founders. What motivated you to start this new initiative and what outcomes are you hoping for?  

Starting the For Female Founders community group and podcast series stemmed from a deep-rooted desire to empower and uplift the next generation of female entrepreneurs and women in business. Having navigated the entrepreneurial landscape for over two decades, I understand firsthand the challenges and barriers that women often face in their journey to success. 

With my skills, perspective and experience in high demand, I feel a sense of responsibility to pay it forward and offer support to those who may still be struggling to find the resources and encouragement they need to thrive, not just survive. By creating this platform on LinkedIn and YouTube (and soon to be audio podcast series), my aim is to provide a nurturing and authentic space where female founders and women in business can connect, learn, and grow together.

The result I’m looking for is an empowered generation of women in business. I am just one voice of many, but my perspective, my life experience and the unique relationships and skill sets I bring to the table are a piece of a very large puzzle that needs to be solved. I’m happy and honored to take on that role and give back to a community who needs what I can bring to the table. 


Julia Errante, Co-Founder & COO @ Agency Incline


Brittany Hawkins, Founder & CEO @Ignite Media Group