Debbie Conrad, New Business Development @ The Lead Group

Debbie Conrad on LinkedIn

I am filled with joy to be able to feature Debbie Conrad, a powerhouse in the marketing and online advertising industry, as our newest Female Power Player. I've admired Debbie's work and infectious, playful energy for years seeing her at each Affiliate Ball and AFFY Awards, and I finally got to spend more time with her at LinkUnite Nashville, having an absolute blast roaming the streets of Broadway together to countless live music-filled bars!  Debbie's passion for her work and her dedication to The Lead Group are truly inspiring.

Debbie, you've been with The Lead Group for eight years now, driving sales and program efficiencies. Can you share what sets The Lead Group apart from others in the industry and who should consider reaching out to you?

I’m truly grateful to have been part of The Lead Group's journey for the past eight years. What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence in the FinTech industry. We specialize in lead generation, affiliate marketing, and data optimization, with a strong focus on finance verticals.  

Our team’s expertise, combined with cutting-edge technology and end-to-end campaign management, allows us to consistently drive premium results for our partners.  We take pride in optimizing the relationship between advertisers, publishers, financial customers, and highly responsive consumers.

Our dedication to compliance is also a key differentiator.  As a founding member of the Online Lenders Alliance (OLA) we’ve been at the forefront of establishing and maintaining industry compliance standards since 2007.

We consider our clients more than just that. They are our partners and even part of the TLG family.  We work together to come up with innovative ways to achieve results.  My desire to connect with others and especially those just starting out makes TLG a company that people want to work with and stay with.

For anyone that wants to reach out, I would be more than happy to discuss how we can help your business achieve its goals in the ever-evolving world of online financial services.

Your journey in performance marketing has been remarkable. How did you get started in this field, and what motivated you to pursue a career in marketing and online advertising?

The Lead Group has been such a blessing for me and my career.  The company I was working for previously closed down and it was the perfect time for me to make a complete career change.  I came from the other side of business. I was a Buyer for Target Headquarters and then for Silpada for over 15 years combined.  This gave me an edge on getting into sales because I knew what the client was looking for.

I was always a little nervous to jump into sales because I was very happy with knowing how much my paycheck was going to be each month.  However, I had heard from many people that I would be amazing in a sales role.  I did it and joined TLG.

To be honest, it took me a while to figure out online advertising and lead generation and how it all works.  We are all lucky enough to work with and know some of the smartest people in performance marketing.  My job is much like my personality, it doesn’t sit still.  I get to work with clients all over the world and this means work is all day long.  I do love getting my morning Skype from a client letting me know that we had the biggest revenue day with each other or how we can add more sources and increase revenue or those times when we  just say good morning and I appreciate working with you.  

This journey began with a curiosity to change careers and see how it goes.  It continues to allow me to have learning opportunities and a tangible impact on businesses of all sizes.

Winning an AFFY Award is a significant achievement in the performance marketing industry. What did winning this premier award mean to you, and how has it impacted your career?

Winning an AFFY Award was an incredibly meaningful achievement for me in our industry.  I can still remember getting the text from Darren Blatt when I was at work.  I thought he was reaching out to see if we would sponsor his event, not that I was going to win the coveted AFFY.  It really meant a lot to me because it came from peers and proven experts in our field.

Personally, winning the AFFY was a validation of my hard work and dedication I have for my job.  It boosted my confidence and motivated me to be the best that I can.  Professionally, this was substantial.  I am now part of an amazing group of people I have looked up to and admired as I know how much they have impacted our industry.  This has helped me to build stronger partnerships with clients, prospects and enhanced my credibility.  It has made me a leader,  which I am so appreciative and grateful for.  

Many of my team came to Vegas to see me get my award.  Willie (owner of TLG) even came, those who know him will agree it takes a lot to get him at a big event like this and meant a lot to me to have him and my team there, along with my LinkUnite girls.  It was the best night for me.  I am smiling right now remembering how awesome it was!  

Being a founding member and advisory board member of LinkUnite, you’ve seen the community grow and thrive. What excites you most about LinkUnite’s mission?

Connect, Create, Unite. LinkUnite.

A movement at uniting communities and greatest minds in marketing and wider industries. 

I am so proud and honored to be a founding member and on the advisory board of such an awesome group of women.  I can remember years ago in Boston sitting with Amanda, Sara and Joel (works at TLG with me) and writing on a napkin who we would ask to join us if this idea came into fruition.  We wanted the best and brightest women to be a part of LinkUnite.  It was one of my favorite brainstorming sessions. 

Amanda and Sara continued on with this vision and did their magic to make LinkUnite not just a dream but a reality.  They have put so much time and thought into LinkUnite to make it what it is today.  They offer us women a group that we can feel safe with so we know that when we travel, someone will be there with us. We can connect and grow together professionally.  There is nothing stronger than a group of women in one place where we can gain knowledge from content sessions, networking opportunities and meaningful conversations.  We like to call it our Tribe!

We have seen women advance in their careers, change jobs to advance or to grow, reach out if they need a new contact, bounce ideas off each other and form lifelong bonds.  We started small but continue to grow and that is so exciting.  I am so hopeful for the future of LinkUnite and how it can make an impact on so many women.  I am blessed to be a part of this and to have a voice where my ideas and vision are heard and implemented.  

If you are reading this and not familiar with LinkUnite, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.  I would love to tell you all about it!

Balancing a demanding career and personal life can be challenging. How do you manage this balance, and what role does your daughter play in keeping you grounded and motivated? Will she be getting into the performance marketing industry and does she understand what you do?

I am very lucky that when I travel for work or personal trips, my kids and husband keep things going when I am gone.  I have older kids which tends to make it a little easier for when I am away, but it still means missing out on things and making sure it all gets handled when I am not there.  

Jack is going to be a Senior in college so he has been out of the house for a couple of years.  For him, it is just checking in and if he needs to know how to do something or help with something, he knows I am a phone call away.  Cate is going to be a Junior in High School so now she is able to drive which makes it so much easier.  She is involved in a lot of activities- including cheer, lacrosse, pole vault, and more so when she was not driving it was making sure rides were covered before I left for a work trip.  My husband likes to joke that he was able to survive for 30 years until we were married and he will be just fine when I am out of town.  I will say Facetime and texts make time on the road manageable.  

I keep a structured schedule, so when I know I am leaving, I make sure our calendar is up to date with what is going on at home and what I need to get accomplished on my work trip.  I try to schedule my trips around any big events if I am able and there have been times where I have been on Facetime for a sporting event or whatever was going on to make sure I could be there.

My son was an intern at TLG a few years ago over the summer.  I loved it!  It gave him a chance to try to understand what we all do and to learn about our industry.  He did analysis on competitors, worked on marketing trends and got to spend time with all departments at TLG to know the business.  It has helped so that when I am talking about my day or what is happening at work, he can understand.  His major is Marketing so if anyone wants to hire an amazing kid next Summer let me know!

Cate still may be a little unsure on what TLG does and what we all do.  She knows I get excited to go to conferences and meet new people and see others who I am now friends with.  She knows my work world does not stop.  I can be on my computer at night answering emails, checking stats and Skyping whoever is waiting for me to get back to them.  She knows I am fortunate to be at a company that offers flexibility where I am able to attend her sporting events, take her to appointments and be home if she is sick.  Will she be getting into performance marketing?  Right now she says she is going to be an Orthopedic Surgeon so who knows what will happen.

We are all busy, we have demanding work responsibilities, home commitments and many other things in our lives.  I can say that this industry has taught me to juggle it all and find ways to make it all work.  It is tough to not be at home when there is a big event or a kid is sick but I really do love my job and getting to travel and be around so many amazing people.  We are all very blessed!

Working with women in a professional setting can be incredibly rewarding. What do you appreciate most about collaborating with other women, and how do you support each other in the workplace?

Working with women in a professional setting is valuable to me for so many reasons.  I really appreciate collaborating with other women and how we can support each other by actively listening, offering feedback, being a cheerleader for wins and advocating for equal opportunities. 

It gets tough at times to juggle a busy workload, kids, husbands, and pets and I always find I can reach out and get good advice on how to balance everything.  There are so many other women in the same situation with different ways to make it all work.  I have been lucky enough to pick up the phone whenever I needed to and have someone listen to me and give me support.  

This industry was mainly men when I started.  It is changing which makes me very excited and LinkUnite has been a big part of this shift.  This group and other women’s groups give us the opportunity to aid in others’ professional growth, find our next job, tackle a project, prospect, validate a new client,  and so much more.  

The Lead Group has an amazing team of women that I get to work with.  They are smart, innovative, supportive and understanding.  They offer me a sounding board, suggestions on how to improve tasks, and we can celebrate our wins together.  I look forward to coming in and seeing them.

I have made lifelong friendships with women in our workplace.  I truly value and appreciate them and am so grateful.  I get excited when I get to see them next or I get a late night funny text or for whatever reason we are all reaching out.  It’s such a joy to work with women who are not just clients,  but good friends.  

Your experience spans various roles and industries, from purchasing supervisor to business development. What are some key lessons you've learned throughout your career that you apply to your current role?

I am very fortunate to be able to have experience in very different areas in my career.  I came from Big Box retail at Target Headquarters as a Buyer and then worked for one of the top Direct Selling Association companies Silpada Designs as a Buyer.  I was able to learn so much with each company and this has helped me with what I do today.  I know what it takes to be successful in sales from my time at each company.  

Target taught me intensive training on how to be the best at beating your competitors and what was needed from vendors and sales contacts to get the pricing and assortment that would put you on the top.  

Silpada allowed me the exposure to learn that you can achieve anything you want if you work hard enough.  Two women started the company and it grew to be one of the top Direct Selling companies in the US.  I was able to get the best pricing and assortment for the reps to provide to their clients.  

I changed career paths going to the Lead Group and I am so glad I made the jump!  I was always told I would be great in sales but was scared to not know how much money I was making if it was commission-based or if I could handle the rejections.  I have been doing sales now for over eight years and I love it!  I have met so many smart, innovative, amazing people and I am very grateful for this opportunity.  

I am on the other side of what I used to do so it allows me to know what I need to do to get people to work with us.  I realize a lot of what we do is relationship driven and I am very lucky to have so many great relationships in my current role.  I get excited when I log in each morning and see a Skype or an email telling me good morning and they appreciate working with me.  I am able to take the time to work closely with my partners to see what else we can do to grow our accounts and scale their businesses.  I have been able to grow our partnerships at the Lead Group significantly and am truly blessed to be at a company where I can do this.  

Mentorship is vital for professional growth. Who has been a significant mentor in your career, and how have they influenced your journey?

Mentorship plays a crucial role in my professional growth.  I have two mentors I would like to mention.

LinkUnite is not one person but a tribe of women who offer so much guidance, support and feedback to me that pushes me to work harder and be the best at what I do.  When I started, it was a very male driven industry and now being a part of a community where so many women own their own companies or have a voice in their current company makes me so happy.  I am in awe of the accomplishments that the women in LinkUnite have done and continue to do within our industry.  They push me to learn more, step out of my comfort zone, state my ideas and realize that as a woman we can make things happen.  I am honored to be a part of LinkUnite from the beginning and on the Board.  These women are not just Business owners, Executives but they are my role models and friends.

The other mentor I want to mention is Willie Dugan.  He is the owner of The Lead Group.  He took a chance on hiring me and I am forever grateful.  He started our company 15 years ago and made it one of the top Lead Generation companies in our industry.  We are the best at Personal Loan offers and it is because of the team at TLG.  We are a small but mighty company and very transparent and honest,  which I appreciate.  He allows me to be who I am and do well in what is needed in my role.  He knows I have high energy and he does too so we work very well together.  He has taught me to trust in people, direct sales conversations, be engaged with our team,  and how to use data to share with our partners to help with performance.   He gives back, which I am glad to be a part of.  We at TLG do a lot for our community and are able to do it as a team which is awesome.  He also has taught me that our faith, family and TLG are important, and we need to take time to focus on these.  Work can be work, stressful, long days are demanding but he shows us all that the rewards are worth it.  I am very grateful to be working with him and learning from him.

Your playful and infectious energy is something many admire. How do you maintain this positive outlook, and what advice would you give to others looking to bring more joy and enthusiasm into their work and life?

I know this may sound shocking, but I am a big believer that a stranger is a friend I haven’t met yet.  

In this industry we are all very fortunate or some may think unfortunate to travel to Las Vegas, New York, Denver, San Diego etc many times a year and attend conferences.  These trips can be exhausting but the way I come into these is to be a source of positivity for others.  Acts of kindness, a big smile, encouragement, and support not only benefit others but also me to keep me energized.

Don’t sit still.  This is true in my work and in the real world.  Take care of your physical and mental health.  Get enough rest, exercise, sleep and make time for activities that recharge you.  My coworkers make fun of me because when it is my time to man our “booth” I am never around.  I am bouncing around talking to others, meeting new people and seeing what is going on.  

Surround yourself with supportive and optimistic people who lift you up and make you happy.  Be kind to yourself and others.  Remember, positivity is a choice.  You are the only one that can influence your mindset and outlook on life.

Life is short, have fun!  Get out of your comfort zone and it may seem hard but when you do it, you will not regret it.  


Stephanie Lichtenstein, President & Founder of Micro Media Marketing